Writing: Monthly update for November 2020

Hello friends!

Who else is ready to put 2020 behind them? *raises hand* But first, Christmas! We still haven't put our tree up. Kind of hesitant. Our kitty Harper likes to destroy things. lol And because she's my hubby's little princess, she gets away with it. xD

Not much happened in November. We consumed a TON of media and started our yearly play-through of Grand Theft Auto 5! The story is so freaking good and part of me wants to write some fanfic about the strip club, Vanilla Unicorn, the guys use to plan "the big one!"


Just to let you know how big of a fan I and my husband are of this game. I made this from the cover of my book REUNITED after my husband saw it over my shoulder and said it looked like a GTA5 loading screen. LOL I think I was channeling it at the time because we had either just finished or were coming to the end of our play-through when I designed that cover.

If any of you have any connections with Rockstar games, tell them we need a publishing imprint for romance books based on this game called Grand Theft Auto: Erotica LOL (All credit for that title goes to my husband. He's REALLY good at titles!)

My design, left. Actual GTA5 loading screen, right.

How was your November? Watch any good movies? Are you ready for the holiday? Or leaving your shopping to the last second like me? lol



Kingdom of Flesh and Fire and Truth or Dare are the only books I didn't finish yet.  The rest of them, I read and loved. Jessa Kane remains the top of my to-do list. But I also really want to finish Kingdom of Flesh and Fire! 

What did you read in November? Find any new favorites?

Currently Reading:

I'm sure I'll read other things but I'd like to finish this in December!

Current Romance WIPs:

I'm focusing on getting Love on Main ready for its 2021 release. Also, working on keeping up with delivering the Saturday Morning Serial. 

Love on Luke and Main (Love on Main, #1, Unrequited love)
 - Sent a copy to my beta readers! Already go some feedback and it's good! Here's what one of them had to say:

"So excited for this series! ... I really liked the characters and it had everything you want. Drama. Friendships. Relationships. Hot men. Lol!" - Lindsy F.

Love on Blake and Main (Love on Main, #2, Roommates) - I finished a SUPER rough draft of this. Blake and Parker are so cute! You're going to love watching Parker, the little pixie, tame big bad Blake.

Love on Oliver and Main (Love on Main, #3, Age gap) - This is roughly outlined. I'm still trying to figure out Oliver and Blue's journey. 

Call of Booty (Saturday Morning Serial, #2) - My husband came up with that genius title! lol As you can probably guess, this will be about a gamer. Here's a little blurb about what you have to look forward to after the conclusion of Running Into Trouble! 

Josh is starting his dream job as a game developer but his apartment isn't going to be ready for a couple of weeks. In the meantime, he's staying with his sister and her best friend, Gwen. The girl he's had a crush on since they were kids. Gwen needs to get an overzealous co-worker off her back. When Josh volunteers to be her fake boyfriend at her company picnic, things get a little too real.

This story is connected to the Fate series! Katie, from Fighting Fate, is Josh's supervisor at Asteroid Studios. She and Isaac will make an appearance. Make sure you subscribe to my newsletter to receive this story first and for free! (It will be published to Amazon eventually.)

Publishing news:

In case you missed the announcement email, there is a release date for LOVE ON LUKE AND MAIN!
JANUARY 19TH, 2021!

Cover Reveal will be January 5, 2021! So be looking for that email!

Add the series to your Goodreads TBR today!
Love on Luke and Main ➜ https://bit.ly/3m04Yvw
Love on Blake and Main ➜ https://bit.ly/33cq3LR
Love on Oliver and Main ➜ https://bit.ly/2UX3PJ7
Love on Apollo and Main ➜ https://bit.ly/2IWmgeS


Treat yourself this holiday season! You deserve it!
$0.99USD or read now with your Kindle Unlimited subscription!


Things are heating up between Danny and Riley in the Saturday Morning Serial, RUNNING INTO TROUBLE. There's a pottery wheel scene coming up that puts Ghost to shame!

The Meet Cute Monthly for December will be Christmas themed! MacKenzie (from Running Into Trouble) comes home to the new family her mother eloped into without telling her. Things are already tense but get even more so when she meets her new stepbrother and his adorable six-year-old son, Henley.

Sign up before December 21, 2020 to receive this Meet Cute!

Word Count:

I worked on so much in November I had to add another color to my chart! Love seeing the productivity represented like this. Keeps me motivated!

I worked on so much in November I had to add another color to my chart! Love seeing the productivity represented like this. Keeps me motivated!

Sharing is caring!

Click this image to see a list of free books from this Bookfunnel promotion!

Click this image to see a list of free books from this Bookfunnel promotion!

Writing: Monthly update for September 2020

Happy October!

Hello friends!

We finally made it to fall! We've still been enjoying days sitting on the porch but now we get to wear sweaters and it's so much better!

The most action we saw in September was my car eating up all our savings. UGH! The road noise was getting unbearable, so I got new tires, but then the road noise didn't go away. Turns out a bearing went bad.

I'm took a vacation first week of October. We were going to drive up and down the Mississippi river in our Miata, with the top down looking at the pretty fall leaves. It's become a bit of a tradition for us. Unfortunately, because of Covid and finances, thanks to my car, we opted out. Instead, we kicked back and relaxed for the week.

How was your September? What are you looking forward to in October?

Thanks for everything!

Read in September:

Flock and Exodus are a duet of angsty romances. I loved the first book and most of the second but was a little disappointed with the ending. I was expecting a really big twist, based on all the hype, that I didn't get but really wanted! I think if I hadn't been looking forward to that twist, these would be in my top 5 or maybe 10 books this year. I still highly recommend them. Just steal your heart because it's a wild, naughty ride!

What did you read in September? Find any new favorites?

Currently Reading:

I'm still reading From Blood and Ash. About halfway through. It's getting SO good. I can't wait to finish it! Just need more time in the day!

Current Romance WIPs:

Running Into Trouble (Saturday Morning Serial) - This is done! The first chapter of Running Into Trouble will be sent to my newsletter subs on October 17, 2020! There is a scene involving a pottery wheel you do NOT want to miss! So HOT!

Love on Luke and Main (Love on Main, #1 A Small Town romance series) - I’m so excited to get back to my small town romance series! I’m about halfway done drafting Haley and Luke’s story! I made good progress on this and am roughly halfway done drafting. I plan on finish drafting it this month!

Meet Cute Monthly (October) - The Meet Cute Monthly is almost done too! It’s a father’s best friend, age gap meet cute! Again, you have to sign up for my newsletter to receive this on the third Monday of the month!

Word Count:

I wrote almost every day in September! Consistency!

I wrote almost every day in September! Consistency!

Binge the Fate series today!

The End

Thanks for reading! Keep moving forward!


Thank you to everyone who helped make this book happen. My loving husband, my good friend Bree, my wonderful mother in law, my ARC reviewers, all the members of HRWC (my writing group on Facebook.) And thanks, of course, goes to you, the reader! I’m so thrilled and blessed to have an audience of such amazing and supportive people.

Thank you! THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!! ♥

Cece wants control of her family's business. Evan doesn’t want anything to do with it. They're perfect for each other. Except she’s not sure she can trust him and he’s too scared to get close enough to prove she can.

Tropes you can look forward to:

  • Enemies to lovers

  • Marriage of convenience

  • Short tempered Alpha

  • Virgin heroine

Available in Kindle Unlimited



Come on over to my Facebook page to enter a few release day giveaways!

Writing: Monthly update for June 2020

Hello friends!

Well, June did not go as planned. It started out strong. Writing was going great and I was well on track to finishing Forcing Fate by the end of the month to get it out to beta readers. Then my computer crapped out on me. Fortunately, I was able to retrieve my files but I couldn't edit them without the risk of losing my progress since I still couldn't reliably save anything. So, I waited for my new computer to arrive.

It took a little over a week to get my new computer, a refurbished MacBook Air. That only gave me like 3 or 4 days at the end of the month to get anything done. So, I'm behind on my publishing schedule. BOO!!! :P

So far, July has been going well. (Knock on wood) With any luck I'll have a publishing announcement for you in August.

Thanks for sticking with me!

Read in June:

I read two books that were on my June TBR! Wrong and California Dreamin'.

Four of my five reads were age gap (no surprise there lol.) Wrong, California Dreamin', Forbidden, and Daddy Me. 

Two were novellas, California Dreamin' and Daddy Me.

One was a reverse harem and taboo, Forbidden.

On the Rocks was my favorite read. I think brothers books are going to be a new favorite trope of mine, as well. I love the family dynamic and can't wait to read about the other brothers!

What did you read in May? Find any new favorites?

July TBR:

Word Count:

Here is where you can see how well the month was going before my computer died. I did get back to it on the 27th. Hopefully, I can keep that up in July!

Here is where you can see how well the month was going before my computer died. I did get back to it on the 27th. Hopefully, I can keep that up in July!

Current Romance WIPs:

Forcing Fate - This is my priority. I'm getting SO close to the end. The plan is to have the beta reader copy ready to go some time next week. Then do another revision after I get their feedback. Then it's off to the ARC team for advanced reviews. At that time, you should also be able to preorder the ebook!

That preorder link will either be available in my August monthly update. Or you might be able to get a link to the preorder, and possibly even the paperback, earlier if you're a member of my Facebook reader group.

And now, without further ado... The cover reveal! 

I hope you're as excited as I am for Forcing Fate! Remember to add it to your Goodreads list.

I hope you're as excited as I am for Forcing Fate! Remember to add it to your Goodreads list.

The End

Thanks for reading! Keep moving forward!

Update for ARC Star Applicants!

If you filled out the app to be an ARC reader for my pen name, Anastasia Austin, and were accepted, you will have received an invite to the ARC Stars Facebook group to the email you used on the form!

If you still wish to apply, the application is open! Please make sure to read the questions carefully ♥

Thanks everyone ♥ You guys rock!


Facing Fate is LIVE!!

🎉🎁Happy birthday to my little book baby 🎁🎂

It's ALIVE! Today I released my third book, Facing Fate, into the wild!
I'm so excited to share Jake and Amber's story with you all. They're a quirky, awkward pair and I love them to pieces! I hope you will too ♥

❤️Please share the news on your own social sites! ❤️

Thank you, my lovely readers, for all your support! I couldn’t do this without you! ♥

Buy the ebook for $0.99, today and tomorrow only, or read for free, anytime, with your Kindle Unlimited subscription!
Facing Fate 👉 https://bit.ly/2HxFxis

Also, today and tomorrow only, get Fake to Fate ebook for FREE!
Fake to Fate 👉 http://mybook.to/FaketoFate

This is what keeps me going

The love and support of fellow authors and friends.

Look at this amazing shout out from my dear friend, Bree Howland!

Blog post —> https://perpetualfangirl.ca/2020/01/30/author-shout-out-anastasia-austin/

Bree has been a huge inspiration to me! I don’t think I ever would have taken the step to self publish without her support!

If you haven’t, you should totally check out her book, Bring Me Home. It’s such a cute, quick read. I’ll pick it up whenever I need that warm fuzzy feeling.

Follow Bree on Twitter —> https://twitter.com/FangirlBree
Buy Bree’s book —> https://www.amazon.com/Bring-Me-Home-Bree-Howland-ebook/dp/B07L4386MS

Fighting Fate Pre-order and Preview

OMG! I can't believe it! My second book, Fighting Fate, will be coming out September 17, 2019!

There were times I wasn't sure this book would ever be finished. Now, I'm so excited for you all to read Katie and Isaac's story. It's been a labor of love but so worth it! Though it took some time for Katie and Isaac to open up and show me their story, when they did... OH, WOW! They had quite the story to tell!

You can read the first four chapters of Fighting Fate and pre-order the ebook for $0.99 today!

If you bought the ebook of Fake to Fate from Amazon, you should be able to update the file on your e-reader now and see the preview and pre-order link for Fighting Fate at the end of the book!

If you have not yet purchased Fake to Fate, now is a good time. Though, these books can standalone or be read in any order, I believe it's a more pleasurable experience to read them in publication order.

Buy Fake to Fate

Please visit mybookcave to claim the file type of your choice. (epub or mobi) Note: mybookcave will ask you to sign up for my newsletter before you download. Thank you in advance for jumping through the hoop to read ♥

If you'd like to jump straight to the pre-order click here!

The paperback copy of Fighting Fate will be available closer to the release date. I'll send another email letting you all know!

A little writing update: I started drafting the next book in the Fate series. WOOT! And there will be at least one more book in this series after it. I'm absolutely loving all the characters in this world. The more time I spend with the them, the more I realize how hard it's going to be to leave them behind for a new cast someday.

Thank you all so much for sticking with me! 

Fighting Fate Cover and Blurb Reveal!

This book has been a constant fight but I'm loving the characters and their story is super cute.

Revisions are coming along nicely. Slower than I'd like but nicely. lol

I'm not exactly sure when it will be up for pre-order but you can now add FIGHTING FATE to your Goodreads lists!

Without further ado, here's the cover and blurb for the second book in the FATE series, FIGHTING FATE!

Katie has everything planned out; school, career, social life. And she isn't going to let anything get in her way. Until she repeatedly crosses paths with poster-child frat boy, Isaac Johnson.She hesitates when all he wants is a hook up. She pushes …

Katie has everything planned out; school, career, social life. And she isn't going to let anything get in her way. Until she repeatedly crosses paths with poster-child frat boy, Isaac Johnson.

She hesitates when all he wants is a hook up. She pushes him away when he shows signs of wanting more. Then she's torn, when she finds him all alone and sick as a dog after his frat brothers abandon him for spring break.

Katie should leave. Stick to her plan. Finish the project that could make or break her college career.

But she can't leave him like this--to fend for himself when he can barely breathe--or ignore the connection building between them. The one she's not sure she can fight anymore.

Read Book 1, FAKE TO FATE, today on Amazon and Kindle Unlimited.

Writing: Monthly Update for May

It's another late one! Still trying to get into the swing of this writing with the intention of publishing quickly thing. But it's HAPPENING! Getting closer everyday to book 2 of my romance series being ready!!

May was my husband's birthday month and I took a few vacation days and did a crap load of cleaning. Still finished drafting a book! May was awesome!


Not Querying for the foreseeable future.

Current Fantasy WIPs:

All fantasy WIPs are on hold while I get my self-publishing feet underneath me.

While the above is still true. I MAY have dipped my toe into my dragon shifter book again. And POSSIBLY reoutlined it after having a pretty big breakthrough with why it's not as good as it could be. So... MIGHT be working on that again in the near future.

Current Romance WIPs:

Untitled FATE Book 2 Now has a title! FIGHTING FATE - I finished the first draft on the first of the month! I started revising by printing, reading and noting all the inconsistencies. And, WOW, were there a lot!

I finished the read-through yesterday and started transferring my notes into my Scrivener document for ease of access when I start the writing revision tonight or tomorrow.

Not sure how long this is all going to take. I can't even guess at this point but it's going to be at LEAST two weeks before I can even think about calling for beta readers. Which means I won't be looking at announcing a publishing date until mid-July or so.

PLUS ONE - This has been set aside while I finish FIGHTING FATE. I know what the next book in the FATE series will be and will need to at least outline that really well before I come back to this. But the PLUS ONE draft is already over 14K words (half-ish-way done.) So that's awesome!

Word Counts:


Did much better on my word counts in May! Went off the chart TWICE! One of those times was a 4000 word day!

You also get a glimpse into the identity crisis FIGHTING FATE had. lol That's not even a third of the names I tried out for this book. I'll tell the story sometime but it will have to wait until after I write the blurb.


Publishing News:


Celebrated one month of publishing on the 30th of May by announcing a free weekend for the ebook on Amazon.

91 copies were claimed! Since then, people have read 647 pages!

Thank you, everyone for your support.


Read in May:


Thanks for reading. Keep moving forward!


Buy FAKE TO FATE! Ebook and paperback are on Amazon now. Thanks!

Writing: Monthly Update for April

Sorry this is so late! After publishing, I needed a break from things. Back on track now! Back to writing, going to get some giveaway's going soon. I designed and purchased some SWAG; bookmark and stickers! Lots of things to do and catch up on. Can't wait!

Current Romance WIPs:

On April 30th my book baby was born!

The pre-order went well for my first book, with little to no promotion.
Sold 8 pre-orders and 3 ebooks on release day!

Also, it currently has a 4.21/5 average star rating on Goodreads with 24 people already rating it!! WHAT?!

Add FAKE TO FATE to your Goodreads "TO READ" list! On Amazon, it has a 4.4/5 stars from 13 ratings!

Remember, if you have Kindle Unlimited, you can read for free! I'm so happy with how it's performing and can't wait to publish again!

Untitled FATE Book 2 - I've put this on hold for now. I need to outline again. The characters weren't working and the plot fell flat. I'll get back to it soon!

PLUS ONE - I wouldn't say writing is going well on this one, but it's going. I'm making progress, just not daily. I broke down and outlined and I think that's going to help me get the draft done much quicker. Also, I have a cover design but I'm waiting to come up with a tagline to put on it before I reveal it! So, COVER REVEAL COMING SOON!

Word Counts:


See what I mean about the writing not going well, but going? LOL April was the first month I ever published. I had to learn a lot and fumble through that process. With all that and being out of town 2 weekends last month, I didn't do too poorly. May should be better. *Fingers crossed*

Read in April:


Thanks for reading. Keep moving forward!

Release Day!! Fake to Fate!

It’s official! My book baby is all grown up!

What a wild ride, you guys. This has been so much fun. I never thought I’d say that. lol But self publishing was the right move for me. Writing romance was the right move for me. Writing, in general, was the right move for me (thank you, Tebbie ♥)

Anyone out there unsure of whether or not to do this, I say, try it. IMO, you have nothing to lose. And the indie author community is super supportive!

Every question I had, I found an answer. And I’d love to pay that forward. If you are in the process of self publishing your first book, or are considering it and have no idea what to do or where to start, ask! I’m here for you just like Bree and Heather M and Heather B and so many others have been here for me!

Thank you all for being here! For reading and liking and commenting! It’s kept me going. And now, I finally have something to show for it!


And you can get it here!

(And if you read, please be sure to leave a review. Even if it’s just one word. When Amazon sees 20 reviews, it boosts the book’s visibility! It’s currently at 7 reviews! Getting there!)

Thank you! THANK YOU! ThAnK yOu!