Writing: Monthly Update for May

It's another late one! Still trying to get into the swing of this writing with the intention of publishing quickly thing. But it's HAPPENING! Getting closer everyday to book 2 of my romance series being ready!!

May was my husband's birthday month and I took a few vacation days and did a crap load of cleaning. Still finished drafting a book! May was awesome!


Not Querying for the foreseeable future.

Current Fantasy WIPs:

All fantasy WIPs are on hold while I get my self-publishing feet underneath me.

While the above is still true. I MAY have dipped my toe into my dragon shifter book again. And POSSIBLY reoutlined it after having a pretty big breakthrough with why it's not as good as it could be. So... MIGHT be working on that again in the near future.

Current Romance WIPs:

Untitled FATE Book 2 Now has a title! FIGHTING FATE - I finished the first draft on the first of the month! I started revising by printing, reading and noting all the inconsistencies. And, WOW, were there a lot!

I finished the read-through yesterday and started transferring my notes into my Scrivener document for ease of access when I start the writing revision tonight or tomorrow.

Not sure how long this is all going to take. I can't even guess at this point but it's going to be at LEAST two weeks before I can even think about calling for beta readers. Which means I won't be looking at announcing a publishing date until mid-July or so.

PLUS ONE - This has been set aside while I finish FIGHTING FATE. I know what the next book in the FATE series will be and will need to at least outline that really well before I come back to this. But the PLUS ONE draft is already over 14K words (half-ish-way done.) So that's awesome!

Word Counts:


Did much better on my word counts in May! Went off the chart TWICE! One of those times was a 4000 word day!

You also get a glimpse into the identity crisis FIGHTING FATE had. lol That's not even a third of the names I tried out for this book. I'll tell the story sometime but it will have to wait until after I write the blurb.


Publishing News:


Celebrated one month of publishing on the 30th of May by announcing a free weekend for the ebook on Amazon.

91 copies were claimed! Since then, people have read 647 pages!

Thank you, everyone for your support.


Read in May:


Thanks for reading. Keep moving forward!


Buy FAKE TO FATE! Ebook and paperback are on Amazon now. Thanks!