Writing: Monthly Update for April

Sorry this is so late! After publishing, I needed a break from things. Back on track now! Back to writing, going to get some giveaway's going soon. I designed and purchased some SWAG; bookmark and stickers! Lots of things to do and catch up on. Can't wait!

Current Romance WIPs:

On April 30th my book baby was born!

The pre-order went well for my first book, with little to no promotion.
Sold 8 pre-orders and 3 ebooks on release day!

Also, it currently has a 4.21/5 average star rating on Goodreads with 24 people already rating it!! WHAT?!

Add FAKE TO FATE to your Goodreads "TO READ" list! On Amazon, it has a 4.4/5 stars from 13 ratings!

Remember, if you have Kindle Unlimited, you can read for free! I'm so happy with how it's performing and can't wait to publish again!

Untitled FATE Book 2 - I've put this on hold for now. I need to outline again. The characters weren't working and the plot fell flat. I'll get back to it soon!

PLUS ONE - I wouldn't say writing is going well on this one, but it's going. I'm making progress, just not daily. I broke down and outlined and I think that's going to help me get the draft done much quicker. Also, I have a cover design but I'm waiting to come up with a tagline to put on it before I reveal it! So, COVER REVEAL COMING SOON!

Word Counts:


See what I mean about the writing not going well, but going? LOL April was the first month I ever published. I had to learn a lot and fumble through that process. With all that and being out of town 2 weekends last month, I didn't do too poorly. May should be better. *Fingers crossed*

Read in April:


Thanks for reading. Keep moving forward!