Release Day!! Fake to Fate!

It’s official! My book baby is all grown up!

What a wild ride, you guys. This has been so much fun. I never thought I’d say that. lol But self publishing was the right move for me. Writing romance was the right move for me. Writing, in general, was the right move for me (thank you, Tebbie ♥)

Anyone out there unsure of whether or not to do this, I say, try it. IMO, you have nothing to lose. And the indie author community is super supportive!

Every question I had, I found an answer. And I’d love to pay that forward. If you are in the process of self publishing your first book, or are considering it and have no idea what to do or where to start, ask! I’m here for you just like Bree and Heather M and Heather B and so many others have been here for me!

Thank you all for being here! For reading and liking and commenting! It’s kept me going. And now, I finally have something to show for it!


And you can get it here!

(And if you read, please be sure to leave a review. Even if it’s just one word. When Amazon sees 20 reviews, it boosts the book’s visibility! It’s currently at 7 reviews! Getting there!)

Thank you! THANK YOU! ThAnK yOu!