Writing: Monthly update for July 2020 + short story (sort of)
Hello friends!
July was pretty laid back. Watched a lot of shows, read some books, spent a lot of time with the husband and son.
It's been a long and short summer all at the same time but I'm ready for fall to get here! I don't know about you, but I can't wait to get out my sweatshirts and scarves!
Thanks for sticking with me!
Read in July:
Wow. I did not read a single thing on my TBR in July LOL. But I did enjoy what I read. Especially, HUSKY. It's short and definitely more on the erotica side but so much different than what I expected. Self conscious, husky (obviously) hero with a heart of gold. Love that! The alien romances (Choosing Theo and Draekon Mate) were fun reads. Can I Come Over was alright. Didn't blow me away but wasn't bad.
What did you read in May? Find any new favorites?
August TBR:
Since I'm going to start drafting in August, I'm not sure I'll get a lot of reading done. I started reading We Shouldn't and Yet... (Forbidden age gap romance) and Hosed (fireman romance) I'll turn to these when I do take the time to read.
Word Count:
July was the death of my word count goals 🤣 I took an intentional week off after finishing the beta reader copy. There were a few days of outlining the new series but I decided not to count those words. Then my brain was too full to start drafting the next book, so I put some words to something else for a day there at the end of the month. More about that in the next segment. Or join my Facebook group, Anastasia's Stowaways to read the scene.
Meet Cutes:
I love meet cutes! That first spark is my favorite part of writing. For Stephanie and Roland in Fake to Fate, it was her wrong number and him answer making obscene noises. For Katie and Isaac, it was him coming up behind her and melting her with his words. For Jake and Amber, it was when Evan introduced them at a bar and Jake didn’t think he had a shot in hell.
These moments are what inspire me to tell a couple’s story but I have so many of these moments in my head I couldn’t possibly write them all into full novels. Or at least not fast enough for my liking. I want to share them with you too much to wait for their books to be written.
So, to give my brain a little relief from all the couples up there shouting at me to tell their story, I’m letting them share how they met with you!
I hope you enjoy♥
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Current Romance WIPs:
Forcing Fate - Release day August 20, 2020! This will be a live release, no preorder. So be on the lookout for the release day announcement with a link to the Amazon listing!
Check out my Facebook post for more information and enter a Giveaway (Amazon gift cards) ending on Friday the 7th of August, 2020!
Love on Main (Small Town romance) series - This is a new series of four books connected to the Fate series and to Reunited.
These are all about people falling in love on the Main Street of a small town. At least one of the main characters owns a business or works in a business on Main Street.
Book 1 will be Haley's story. Lia's friend from Reunited.
Book 2 will be the story of a side character you'll meet in Forcing Fate.
Book 3 and 4 will be all new characters
I hope to have more information (titles, tropes, character names, all that good stuff) about this in next month's update. After I have a chance to get some drafting done.
The End
Thanks for reading! Keep moving forward!