Just Writing Things - 1

This month has been nuts!

Even though I took a vacation from work, I don't feel rested at all! And don't have nearly enough writing to show for it.

But, hey! At least I got some spring cleaning done!

As far as the writing goes. It's going! And I hope I've found a way to keep writing even when I hit writer's block!

After I finished writing FAKE TO FATE I tried jumping straight into the next book in that world following one of the side characters. It did NOT work.

I LOVE using placeholders when I draft. If I don't know a character's name or a place name or if I don't feel like writing a certain scene, I'll put a thought or reminder in brackets [] to come back to later.

Well... That book ended up being pretty much nothing but placeholders. I wrote over 6000 words and had already hit the middle plot twist of the book! Terrible!

So, I put it aside and started writing something else. That something else turned out to be PLUS ONE. The drafting of this book was going really well. I was on track to finish it by the end of May. Then, I had an epiphany on the way to work for the second FATE book.

There I was, 14,000+ words into the PLUS ONE draft and all I could think about was the book I knew I'd have to start over from ZERO to make it work.

What do you do?!

Write what must be written!

I put aside PLUS ONE and started over on what it now called CAN'T PLAN FATE. Not sure the title will stick. What do you think? Should I keep it?

Anyway, I've been drafting CAN'T PLAN FATE for a couple of weeks and have over 18K words and just wrote the midpoint plot twist! I'm all caught up with over half the words I had at this point the first time around! ANNNDDD I have 14K words of PLUS ONE waiting for me when this is finished!

Now, here's what I'm hoping to do to keep up the momentum. Write two books at once. Or, at least, have another book to write when I get stuck on the first. Sometimes, things just need to simmer in the subconscious for awhile. That's okay!

Thanks for reading!


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