Pre-order my debut novel: Fake to Fate

In preparation for the release of my first novel under my pen name, I have made the e-book edition of FAKE TO FATE by Anastasia Austin available for pre-order on Amazon for only $0.99 USD! It is also available in all regions Amazon allowed for the respective price. The paperback will be available (if Amazon approval goes smoothly) for purchase April 26th, 2019 for $7.95 USD.

Pre-order Fake to Fate

This has been such an amazing journey. If you had asked me a year ago if I'd self publish a book, and this soon, I would have said no. The entire process scared the crap out of me. Being responsible for the entire process overwhelmed me to no end.

Turns out, it's not all that bad when you break it down and accept that you don't have to do everything the big boys do. Plus, there are so many helpful services. I'll rave forever about how painless Kindle Direct Publishing has made this process. Maybe I'll do a post on it soon.

Not to mention, I've had a lot of amazing help! My husband has been such a good listener and helped as much as he can when I talk and talk and talk about the publishing process. Thank you, Tebbiebear! Bree Howland (Author of Bring Me Home,) and Heather Morley (Author of Soul Awaken,) have been there for me every step of the way when I've had questions about how this whole process works. I owe them so much! If you're reading this, thank you, ladies!!

And thank you, readers! For giving me and my book a chance. I hope you enjoy reading every word as much as I enjoyed writing them.

If you haven't yet, please check out the preview HERE! If you have, please share the link with anyone and everyone! Thank you!

Thanks for reading!