Romance Rendezvous Book Blast Author signing event

Romance Rendezvous Book Blast. The and the short of it is I'm doing more of these events!

I had so much fun on Saturday. Sure, my shoe broke before I even got my table set up, my nail polish was ruined right away, and my table runner didn't get here in time but the people were awesome. And most awesome of all, they bought books! The thing that warmed my heart the most were the people who shopped, looked at everyone's table but came back to mine. Impulse buys are great but there is no greater confidence boost than to be chosen. There were a lot of great authors there with hundreds of books and they chose one or MORE of mine! HOW COOL IS THAT?!

The Bookmark Mate giveaway was a HUGE HIT! I made 100 of my Spirograph bookmarks. The way I make them, on a 9x12 sheet and cut them up, means they're like a six-piece puzzle. I did a giveaway for the first two people who found a mate got a signed paperback copy of their choice. I had so many people come and ask me about it. There was a ton of buzz around the room while people looked for their Bookmark Mate. And toward the end of the event, it happened! Polly and Addison found each other and each chose a signed copy of Love on Luke and Main <3

I also did a random number drawing. For the introverts ;) (Hubby's brilliant idea!) Lori chose a signed paperback of Running Into Trouble :D Needless to say, all the hours I stressed out about getting ready for this event were totally worth it! Met a lot of great people! Learned A LOT! Didn't take nearly enough photos. WHOOPS! Can't wait to do it again <3