Writing: Monthly update for August 2020
Happy September!
Hello friends!
Who’s ready for Halloween?! I know I am. Ready to kiss summer goodbye and welcome fall with open arms!
August was an interesting month. We were struck pretty hard by the derecho that swept across Midwest. The corn fields around us were flattened, silos, barns, and trees were ripped from the ground and many people were left without power for two weeks or more. We spent about 20-30 minutes after our power went out bailing out our sump pumps because the little back up couldn’t keep up with the amount of rain we got. But we were lucky enough to get our power back in about 48 hours. Only lost a little food in the fridge, freezer and some in the deep freeze.
Here’s just a couple of pictures outside our house right after the rain stopped.
Meet Cute:
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Read in August:
Did some research this month on short stories and novellas. Discovered I’m a fan of Jessa Kane. All her books are around 80 pages, well written with fantastic characters. She can do so much with very few words. That’s my jam!
What did you read in August? Find any new favorites?
Currently Reading:
Current Romance WIPs:
Forcing Fate – It’s LIVE! If you haven’t already, grab a copy now! You can also read for free with your Kindle Unlimited subscription.
Readers are loving to hate Evan. I think you will, too!
Love on Luke and Main (Love on Main, #1 A Small Town romance series) – Have you read Reunited yet? If you have, then you’re familiar with the female love interest in this one! Haley returns to her hometown after a tragic divorce she’s kicking herself for knowing she could have avoided. Back home, in Towering Pines, she connects with Luke, who had an epic crush on her back in high school she never knew about. Because, being four years younger than her, she never even knew he existed.
Also, look for another familiar from the Fate series in this one. (Hint: You have to read FORCING FATE to meet him!)
Word Count:
I was all over the place in August. Still am. I’m trying to focus on drafting the next series, LOVE ON MAIN but the Vampire short and the meet cute took over. I love all my projects too much! I need help lol
The End
Thanks for reading! Keep moving forward!