Writing: Monthly Update for May 2020
I'm glad May is over but now it's crunch time! I felt like I was so busy last month, yet I barely got anything done! Except dragging two of our cats halfway across the state and back again for a mini vacation to my in-laws house. The car ride was less than desirable but the time outside, on the farm, was exactly what I needed to recharge. We sat on the deck chatting and drinking cocktails. We also had a nice campfire and cooked S'mores! So relaxing.
Hope you had a chance to relax! If not, maybe June will give you chance ♥
Read in May:
I read SO much in May! Imagine all the writing I could have done LOL
There were some good books in here. The first three, The Mate, Deep Wood, and A Slice of Love are all novellas and all fun, low angst. Well, Deep Wood attempts more angst, since it's age gap and there's a "bad guy" but it's still pretty light on the angst.
Southern Charmer is the first book in the Charleston Heat series. I'd already read book 2 lol Southern Player. This one was good but book 2 is still my favorite. Luke is going to be a tough hero to beat. I can't wait to read the rest of the series to see if any of them can.
North was interesting. I've been on an age gap kick because I've written one and will be revising it soon. Wanting to make sure I do the trope justice. This one was more taboo since she was 16 when they had their first encounter. It was also much more angsty than mine. Overall, I enjoyed it. Just not what I had been looking for.
Share Me was my first reverse harem story. Well, the first RH story I was able to finish. I can't explain why but this one worked. I actually believed these 5 could make it work. And I can TOTALLY see how people get addicted to these. When they're good. They're GOOOOODDDD. LOL Mmm... Give me that book crack!
I did not know what I was getting into with Voyeur. My friend, Bree, recommended it and I follow her recs blindly. And though she has yet to lead me astray, I did struggle with this one at about the halfway mark. SO. MUCH. ANGST. But I talked to Bree and she encouraged me to stick with it. I'm SO glad I did. I found another broken book boyfriend. (I love my broken boys!) Their relationship ended up so sweet. Also, another age gap. And college student/teacher.
What did you read in May? Find any new favorites?
June TBR:
Word Count:
Started strong, then went into revisions where word count is known to plummet. Also hit some mental blocks and ended up reading a lot more than normal. Which is good but not very productive. Pretty chart though!
Current Romance WIPs:
Forcing Fate - I'm in deep with this one! Revising like a mad woman to get it done for a July release. And since I still have several scenes yet to draft, it will be late July.
That's it. LOL This was all I focused on in May. Doing my best to bring you a new release!
The End:
Thanks for reading. Stay safe! Keep moving forward!
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