Writing: Monthly update for August

August happened... Seriously, where did the month go?! On top of that, where did the last fifteen years go? Our son had his first week of high school and I'm still not sure how I feel about that. Did any of your kids hit a milestone this year? How are you handling it?

At this point, we're just taking it one day at a time. Hoping for a good school year!

Now, not only did our son hit a big milestone in August, I did too! A writer dream come true. One of my favorite authors, Mary E. Pearson (The Kiss of Deception, Dance of Thieves, and more from the Remnant Chronicles) released the second book in the Dance of Thieves duology, Vow of Thieves. On August 8th, my husband and I went to her signing event in Minnesota.

Before we went, my husband encouraged me to take a copy of Fake to Fate, just in case. I did, thinking it wouldn't come into play but when it was my turn in line for Mary to sign my copy of Vow of Thieves, this happened...


Last year, when I went to the same book store for her signing of Dance of Thieves, I told her how much The Kiss of Deception inspired me to throw out my worry over writing the "correct" way and start writing my way. 99.9% of that book is written from 3 different POV's. All from first person, and the identity of two of the characters are hidden for most of the book. Then, close to the end, she had one chapter from a completely different POV and it was only like 2 pages long. WHO DOES THAT?! lol When I told her how much I loved that and it changed my life as a writer, she let me know that she had worried about including it in the book and hearing how it had impacted me validated her decision! And this is what she wrote on the first page of that chapter...


This year, I reminded her of the previous event and told her I took that sentence to heart. I followed my own rules and self published my first book in April. She got so excited and asked if I had a copy. When I told her I did, she asked me to sign it for her! It was the first book I signed that someone ASKED for my signature. REVOLUTIONARY moment! I'm still flying high from it! 

It never would have happened if my husband hadn't encouraged me to be bold and own my accomplishments. Thank you, Tebs! It also wouldn't have had near the impact if I couldn't then share it with all of you! Thank you for reading and for your support! ♥

Current Romance WIPs:

FIGHTING FATE - All the things are happening with this one! 

  1. Release day is September 17, 2019! Pre-order the ebook now!

  2. There will be a paperback version available early. I should get the proof copies today. After I read through and make necessary corrections, it will be ready to go! Stay tuned for the announcement!

  3. Reviews are coming in and they're great, so far! Visit the Goodreads page to see what people are saying about Fighting Fate and add it to your TBR!

PLUS ONE - You'll see in my word count tracker that I did add to this book in August. Then I made the decision to continue with the Fate series. PLUS ONE has become the book I chip away at when I have the time to spare. Eventually, I'll have a finished draft and can commit time to publishing it. 

FACING FATE - Book 3 in the Fate series! This is Jake's story and OMG I love it so much! We learned so much more about him in FIGHTING FATE and I'm learning even more spending this time with him now. I can't wait to share his story with you!

SECOND CHANCE - While brainstorming one day, because I couldn't work on anything else, I came up with a plot for a second chance romance. It's plotted/outlined and I love the story but the female's backstory is a bit darker than in my other books and it plays heavily into the plot. Not sure how I feel about that, since I love how fluffy my other stories have been. We'll see what happens when I start drafting it. Not sure when that will be. I want to finish the Fate series before picking up a new one. Plus, I have ideas for a couple other series that I've been sitting on longer that I might want to write first. WHO KNOWS?!


Word Counts:

August Word count tracker.JPG

Quite a lot of revision and editing for FIGHTING FATE happened in August. Though, I still think it was a darn good month for words! Several days went off the chart!

The 6th and 7th look a little wonky because I screwed up and forgot to change colors when I switched from drafting PLUS ONE to FACING FATE. LOL

Currently, I've written over 20K words on FACING FATE! God willing and the creek don't rise, I'll have a first draft done at the end of September! Looking to publish it before the end of the year!


Publishing News:

Got some new reviews for FAKE TO FATE! Sold a copy of the ebook and had some page reads!

Released the pre-order for FIGHTING FATE. Already seeing reviews from ARC readers!

Read in August:

Thanks to my dear friend, Bree, I've become obsessed with the Brides of the Kindred series. LOL Not for the faint of heart! Super steamy and a little odd. Love it!


Thanks for reading. Keep moving forward!

Buy FAKE TO FATE! Ebook and paperback are on Amazon now.

Pre-order the ebook for FIGHTING FATE on Amazon and get it delivered directly to your device on September 17th!

Thank you!