Writing: Monthly Update for June

You know... I should just accept that these updates will happen as close to the beginning of the month as my schedule will allow. LOL #BUSY


Not Querying for the foreseeable future. Why? I love self publishing. There may come a project someday that might benefit from the hassle that comes with traditional publishing but at this point, I want to self pub all my projects. Fantasy too.

Current Fantasy WIPs:

Which leads me to this.

I might change the title of this section to ROMANTIC Fantasy because I LOVE writing romance. And now I have a series (or it might be a serial. Not sure) I've started outlining!

The series is 12 novellas inspired by the world and characters of my short story UNDER THE AMETHYST SKY. You can read that short, but keep in mind, Kaia's and Theo's story will be a little different when I turn it into a novella. The world building has evolved a bit in the last week or so while outlining the first book.

I'm really excited to start this project but I have a few contemporaries I need to finish first.

Current Romance WIPs:

FIGHTING FATE - YIKES! It has been a real fight to finish this book. And I'm still not done. But I am further along!

I'm closing in on the end of the first revision. When that's done, I will read through it again and make final edits before sending it to beta readers.

It's happening! Slower than I'd like but it is happening!

PLUS ONE - This guy is waiting for me to finish FIGHTING FATE revisions. I'm getting there, little buddy!

Word Counts:


I feel like I was a lot more consistent with my writing this month. I missed several days of words but not because I wasn't writing. Words are not always added when revising.

Really wish I could have been drafting in June. Oh, well. July is looking up!


Publishing News:


June was a slow month. Still had just over 1000 page reads!

Can't wait to see what releasing a second book will do.

Thank you, everyone for your support.

Read in June:

Thanks for reading. Keep moving forward!

Buy FAKE TO FATE! Ebook and paperback are on Amazon now. Thanks!